Final Release

Burning Branch is finally complete! It’s been a pretty fulfilling journey from start to finish, although it’s made clear I probably need a change in direction regarding my games. More on that after the patch notes.

This update brings a completely reworked and completely, err. Complete Contract system. That is to say the post game difficulty system has been fully remade to create a challenging climb through 20 different levels with a pick your curse style customizability to how hard you’d like the game to be. The most exciting one of these is the remixed act bosses which provide a formidable challenge.

And that’s it for Burning Branch! We’ve been in early access for a little over a year, and in development for almost 2 years. I’ll be honest, the reality of releasing a game as a solo indie dev was really rough. It really hurt my motivation and quality of life. I love making games, I’m going to make games for the rest of my life if I can. But I’m likely not going to put them up on Steam, at least not regularly.

If you’d like to follow me, I’ll be releasing my new projects to my itch, likely for free. And I’m planning to do some devlog style videos on my youtube, as well as teasers for my game. The links for that are below. 

I’m pretty excited for this new chapter in my life, hope you are too! Youtube:

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42 days ago

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